How Old Do You Have to Be to Work at a Daycare?
Are you a teenager interested in working at a daycare? So you may wonder about the minimum age to work at a daycare.
You’re probably also wondering whether you’ll be required to get training or certification. Many factors go into determining how old someone has to be before they can work at a daycare facility, and these factors vary from state to state.
The minimum age requirement for daycare workers varies from state to state. In some states, you must be 18 years old before starting to work at a daycare center.
In other states, you may be able to work as a babysitter or nanny at 16 years old if you have completed high school or more advanced education.
In this blog post, I have curated the basic age requirements, certifications, state regulations and all other requirements and qualifications for working at a daycare center, federally and locally.
So that you get a sense of clarity and confidence in understanding the requirements of a daycare job, a feeling of empowerment to make informed decisions about pursuing this career path, and a reassurance that you have access to all the necessary information to determine if this job aligns with their aspirations and goals.

Age Requirements
To be eligible for employment at a daycare center, you must be at least 16 years old. You may even need to be 18 years old and older to work with children in school.
You can begin taking the classes required for your certificate by contacting your local community college or adult education center. Once you have completed these courses and successfully passed them, you can begin working at an accredited daycare facility.
The minimum age to work at a daycare is 16, but the maximum period is 70!
You might wonder why the government allows so many years of difference between the two numbers. The answer lies in how we view childhood development.
Young children are not just young adults; they need additional care and supervision from adults who know what they’re doing (and aren’t too old to remember their childhoods).
Older adults who care for young kids need to understand how to use adult language appropriately since younger kids don’t understand slang or “adult” humor. They also need help organizing activities and planning lessons around child development milestones.
Related: How Old Do You Have To Volunteer at Daycare?
To become a childcare worker, you must obtain your certificate or degree in early childhood education. Many schools offer these programs, including community colleges and universities (online and on-campus). You can also obtain your certification at vocational schools.
If you want to work at a daycare center but don’t have the money or time for school, there are other ways to get certified.
One option is to take online courses and earn certifications through organizations like the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCA), which offers an online course series.
Another option is to attend an intensive training program provided by local agencies or private companies. However, it would be best to research whether there are state requirements regarding background checks before proceeding with classes.
State Regulations
Daycare centers must comply with state regulations, varying from state to state. Some states require that you be 16 years old to work in daycare, while others allow 14-year-olds to work under certain conditions.
In addition to age requirements, most states require a high school diploma or GED and a certificate of completion from an accredited daycare training program.
Read more: How to Describe a Daycare Job on a Resume?
Things You Can Consider To Work At Daycare
If you’re interested in working at a daycare, then there are a few things to consider:
- You’ll need to know how old you must be to work at daycare.
- You’ll need to research the types of positions available and the associated requirements.
- Make sure your personality fits with those already working at the daycare.
Types of Daycare Positions
There are different types of daycare positions few of them are.
Child care provider is the most basic position and requires no experience. You can become a childcare provider if you have a high school diploma.
Early childhood education teacher: To be an early childhood education teacher, you must complete either an associate’s degree in early childhood education or a bachelor’s degree in child development or teaching. You may also be required to take classes specific to your state and pass the appropriate exam before beginning work as an early childhood educator.
Other Requirements and Qualifications
The required qualifications for working in daycare differ slightly from those of other jobs. You must be 18, although some places may hire 16-year-olds with the proper training and background checks. You’ll also need to be able to pass drug and criminal background checks.
A high school diploma or GED is usually the minimum requirement, but some states require early childhood education certification to work in childcare facilities.
If you’re interested in being a nanny or daycare assistant, you should consider contacting local agencies that provide childcare services. These daycare agencies often look for people who can fill positions without experience since they offer on-the-job training programs.
Read more: How to Get a Job at Daycare?
Childcare is essential, and you must understand the requirements before applying. It’s also important to know if there are any other qualifications or conditions you need to have to get hired at a daycare center. Keep evolving and learning new skills to secure a good job.